Title:  Lab Technicaian

Date:  9 Dec 2024
Job Location:  Bangalore
Pay Grade: 
Year of Experience: 
        1. Handling of bio samples [as applicable] includes collection, receipt, centrifugation, separation storage and shipment.
        2. Segregation and shipment of bio samples to the identified laboratory.
        3. Managing Bio waste for their disposal.
        4. Preparation and labeling the vacutainers and RIA vials.
        5. Collection of urine and blood samples [whole blood, urine etc.]  for screening and safety analysis as per protocol requirement.
        6. Timely arrangements for sample collection stations as per the requirement of the study with all necessary items.
        7. To carry out any other responsibility as and when assigned by the Head-Human Pharmacology Unit / Head of Syngene Clinical Development Team